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'How To Do a Barbell Back Squat 1) Start with the bar in the rack around the mid-chest. Grip the bar with your chosen width and place your feet under the bar in the position you would normally squat in. Push your head under the bar and secure the bar in the chosen position on your back. 2) Take a breath deep into the diaphragm (do not breathe into the upper ribs as this will create instability in the core) and brace the core to stand tall with the weight, making sure to squeeze the glutes. 3) Take 2-3 small steps back just far enough from the rack so as not to hit it during the movement. Take one last big breath into the diaphragm and then brace the core hard, as if bracing for a punch. 4) To start the descent, push the hips back and let the knees travel forward until the lower spine almost begins to round but not to the point of rounding. Remember to keep the core braced and glutes tight as you lower the body. More In-Depth Article about the Barbell Back Squat : https://www.yourhousefitness.com/blog/exercise-tutorial-barbell-back-squat Support Your House Fitness By: Buying Resistance Bands: https://bit.ly/3cSipvJ Buying Glute Bands: https://bit.ly/3ro2aum Website: https://www.yourhousefitness.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/yourhousefitness Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/yourhousefitness Twitter: https://twitter.com/yourhousefit #barbellbacksquat #howtosquatwithbar'
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